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Has the idea of “toxic masculinity finally played itself out?

Ever since Hulk Hogan ripped off his shirt during his speech at the Republican National Convention, Kamala Harris has been hemorrhaging the males of the human species from her campaign.

And as her campaign is starting to sink both nationally and in the swing states, the Democratic ticket has to swallow its disgust and reach out to the demographic the Democrats despise the most: the man.

Black men. Hispanic men. And the most toxic of all toxic masculinity, the white men.

That the political party that has consistently labeled men as toxic as well as the most dangerous domestic terrorists in the world now has to reach down into sewer of testosterone and ask for their vote is most ironic. To think that a Democrat female needs men is eyebrow raising to say the least.

Irony aside, their attempt to try to reach out to men this last week has been cringe worthy at the least.

The first attempt (not produced by the Harris campaign) was a one minute ad of “real men” standing in front of manly things and saying in deep voices that they both drink whiskey from the barrel, eat carburetors, support the right to abortion, and vote for Harris (Apparently, according to this ad, “real men” have to be bleeped out too). At the worst it was a collage of bad male actors pretending to be real men. At the best, it was satire.

As one who loves satire, I would like to give the producers the benefit of the doubt and say it’s a parody. However, I am not so sure. During an interview with the director Jacob Reed he never once claimed it as such. In fact, Reed labeled it as sketch comedy that is nonetheless true, saying hoped it would “spark a conversation” about what it means to be a real man in America. I guess if it is satire, Reed’s objective technically could be achieved. But it did make one cringe.

Next, an attempt from the Harris campaign to the reach males fell flat when Governor and current VP candidate Tim Walz thought he would invite a bunch of the media on a pheasant hunt with him. All we saw was a man dressed in a never-before-worn, sparkling hunter’s orange cap and vest struggling to load his shotgun, looking more like Elmer Fudd than a Vice Presidential candidate (that simile is not mine. The internet made this connection, and once you see photos of Walz alongside Fudd, you can’t unsee it). Now, it’s unclear whether he was trying to load the shotgun or clear a jam, but it was clear he didn’t how his gun worked.

Both of this week’s examples of trying to reach the male voter not only fell flat or was simply just embarrassing, but it also showed what happens when a group spends years trying to make caricatures of a particular demographic while demonizing them. For the last several years, the man was portrayed as an oaf on TV. He was a klutz at everything he did and dumber than a knee pad. He had been emasculated in the action genre, and whenever an attempt was made to make a male hero, it was lambasted as misogynist and male chest-pounding. Further, the male had been accused of being, with little to no actual evidence, of a domestic terrorist, a potential rapist, an abuser, and toxic all around. There are women who openly believe they don’t need men. Society has been told by the “experts” that a man’s opinion not only does not matter but that he also shouldn’t have one at all. Males are told we are “privileged” by POC experts who make a fee giving a single speech more than I make in an entire year.

The male should just beg for forgiveness for sins done by multiple races generations before and quietly sit down.

But now the male is needed.

And Kamala needs them bad.

Now she needs the male opinion to save her struggling campaign. Now she must mobilize them, get them on her side.

However, that’s turning out to be tricky. When your party has created caricature of an entire gender, you can only reach said gender in the only way you perceive them: through ways in which you stereotyped them all along.

Thus, the silliness that is now coming out of her campaign.

What’s a man? According to the left, he fixes cars, shoots things, sits on motorcycles, leans against a rustic fences, has a beard, drinks whiskey, and cares deeply about his daughter having the right to terminate his grandchild, and occasionally throws in a potty word for emphasis.

This is the problem of dehumanizing a part of the population because there will eventually come a time when you might actually need them.

And when you appeal to them using your stereotypes of them, don’t be surprised when that attempt comes across as foolish and patronizing.

That’s why those two instances backfired so dramatically (along with the racist “White Dudes for Harris” that was attempted in August). Contrary to the Democrat’s definition, masculinity isn’t merely acts of behavior. It is of the heart. It comes deep within, a unique instinct given by our Creator. Masculinity at it’s very depth sees itself as protector against those who are toxic, twists it, and causes harm.

I am seeing a wonderful trend on social media of women encouraging men to embrace their masculinity once again and be the men and fathers God created them to be. Likely femininity, masculinity is very good in the eyes of our Creator.

The left has thrown the male gender under the bus in the name of DEI, and now they question why this group isn’t voting for them. They have lost most men until they can raise candidates who truly understand the male psyche and not mock or belittle it.

This likely won’t be for at least a generation.

Until then, men can laugh at the left’s attempt to speak to them because those attempts have no authenticity.

Now give me a whiskey, let me lean against a fence, and swear.

Published inCultureCurrent EventsPolitics

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